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the DNA of movement


Corrective Exercise

Corrective Exercise

Service Overview

Our treatment philosophy revolves around the idea that short-term functional improvements can be sustained through movement and exercise. During your time on the rehab floor, our specialist will;

> Analyze neuromuscular imbalances/weaknesses. Areas of weakness create patterns of compensation, as these patterns are engrained over time, the body’s risk of injury increases.

> Design and implement an exercise plan that is aligned with your goals and interests. For instance, the treatment approach for a patient seeking relief from chronic low back pain is different than that of a triathlete amidst competition training. Our therapeutic movement is individualized to your specific needs.

> Teach you the basic principles behind efficient movement. The way we load force through our body directly correlates with the stress we place on the system as a whole. Whether you are reaching for a toddler or a kettlebell, our team will teach you the fundamentals of the movement used in daily life.

> Teach you appropriate exercise programming. Is your current fitness regimen pushing you to success or setting you up for injury? Exercise should be organized in a way that encourages longevity and sustainability.

> Home exercise program. We want to educate you to be self-sufficient. After you have the hang of particular exercises in the clinic setting, we will send you home exercises with cues/descriptions. Being consistent with your movement prescription is important for positive outcomes.